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“But just as you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us – see that you also excel in this grace of giving.”
2 Corinthians 8:7

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Our Invitation to you

Letter from Clergy Team

From St. Clement’s very beginnings, God has guided the growth of our community of faith. Over the past several years, we’ve known God’s presence in keen and unexpected ways. The onset of the pandemic in 2020 meant rethinking how to roll out our strategic plan as we lived into our mission: Learning to Follow Jesus Christ. Today, taking what we’ve learned through those challenging years, responding to the needs of the community, and seeking to be a place where lives are transformed by God’s love, we are excited to invite you to participate in Giving for Growth.

Giving for Growth is anchored in hope - a hope not dependent on trends or circumstance, but rooted in the power and faithfulness of Jesus Christ. Drawing on such hope, made alive in us through the Holy Spirit, Giving for Growth focuses on building community by furthering growth in each of our pillars of ministry. With your generous support, we will enhance our ministries, explore sustainability, connect deeply in the digital sphere, care for our physical plant, and strengthen our reach and relationships in the neighbourhood. 

We know that God is up to something incredible at St. Clement’s. 

Let us all respond with deep generosity, sharing our gifts of time, talent and financial support as we join in God’s good plans for us. 

With deep thanks, 


Andrew, Pamela & Liska
Your Clergy Team

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God is up to something Incredible at St. Clement’s


Campaign News

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