Our Plans
God is up to something incredible at St. Clement’s
Our plan lays the foundation for the growth of our community and the future of our church building. Each initiative highlights the estimated investment to reach our goals. Our growth is rooted in Learning to Follow Jesus Christ and branches out through our pillars of ministry.
The Worship Experience
Building worship for everyone: inclusive, inspiring, and transformative.
Expand Digital Ministry
In 2024, funded through a one-year grant from the Diocese of Toronto, we initiated our part-time digital pastor role, focusing on research and development. Early findings indicate that a majority of online worshipers are seniors. Based on our ongoing learning this first year, we will continue to support digital ministry - bridging our growing online and in-person communities, across generations.
Amplify the Worship Experience $230,000
We will add to our A/V equipment, paying particular attention to the audio quality for both the in-person and online experience. All will benefit from repairing the organ and improving the microphones. We will also invest in expanding our 9:30 am music program.
Create a safe, welcoming space for all $455,000
To improve accessibility, we will install barrier-free washrooms, repair the lift, and improve safety code compliance. This will create a space for all to worship and enjoy their time at St. Clement’s.
Care for Creation $600,000
In pursuit of a net-zero church, we will commission an engineering study and, based on its recommendations, invest in electrical changes, heat pumps and/or energy-efficient windows. We will explore grant funding opportunities to augment this effort.
Engagement Through Christian Education
Growing and learning in faith.
Expand Ministry for
Children and Youth
We will build out our ministry with a focus on Tweens (ages 11-13), provide inclusive support for special needs, and embrace multi-faith families. We will invest in staff and volunteer training, partnerships and programming.
Reach Young Adults
We aim to foster faith among those in their 20’s and 30’s with a dedicated part-time pastoral position. Through focused programming, mentorship, and pastoral care, we will create a welcoming and supportive environment where young adults can explore and deepen their faith.
Deepening Relationships with One Another
Building a multi-generational, Christ-centred community for life.
Partner with the Diocese to “Cast the Net”
St. Clement’s is part of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto and as such we are participating in the Cast the Net initiative. This diocesan initiative has four main program areas: Strengthening Local Parishes; Reimagining Ministry; Renewing Spirituality and Inspiring Faith in Action.
Grow Supports for Ministry
We will hire a part-time Ministry and Community Coordinator to meet intergenerational needs across the Education and Deepening Relationship pillars.
Enhance Gathering Spaces
We will update the Briar Hill room and kitchen to improve the space for meetings, fellowship and connection for both church and community related initiatives
Reaching Out
Showing God’s love in the neighbourhood by being intentional, invitational, and active.
Support our Wednesday Lunch Program
We will invest in enhancing our ability to assist our community members seeking support.
Upgrade Canon Nicholson Kitchen
We will renovate and update the CNH kitchen to address safety concerns, increase efficiency and enable broader use for both church and community focused programs.
Audio Visual Production Coordinator
With close to fifty percent of engagement with St. Clement’s happening online, digital media is a key mode of reaching out. We will hire a part-time Audio Visual Production Coordinator to spearhead improvement of the overall online experience
Sustainable Operations
Making transformation in our pillars of ministry possible through key investments in stewardship, partnerships and leadership.
Establish a Capital Contingency Fund and Repay Internal Debt
We have allocated $525,000 for the repayment of internal debt. We will create a contingency fund of 10% of capital items for expense variances. A fund for building emergencies and ongoing capital requirements will also be established.
Partner with Early Learning School
To sustain and renew the relationship with our largest tenant, we will repair and upgrade their space: fix leaks, flooring and plumbing, install a dedicated washing-up kitchen, and improve safety for the children in their care.
House our Clergy Justly
The houses on St. Clements Ave need maintenance and repairs. Clergy housing allowances will be increased to keep up with inflation and housing costs in Toronto.