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Our approach to showing God’s love is intentional, invitational, and active.

Al-Anon Family Groups (Al-Anon)
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Canadian Children’s Opera Chorus (CCOC)
Cycle Toronto
Girl Guides of Canada
Himalayan Java
La Vecchia restaurant
Rainbow Songs
Scouts and Cubs Canada
St. Clement’s Early Learning School (SCELS)
St. Clement’s School
T'ai Chi
Yonge/Eglinton BIA
City and World
We follow Jesus into our city and world, seeking to live social justice through action. We identify needs and discern where our community can have the greatest impact. Hospitality starts at our own front door with our weekly Wednesday Community Lunch for our neighbours and friends. Our strategic priorities are: homelessness and housing; food security; education; Indigenous justice and reconciliation; refugee resettlement; and climate change. Recent partnerships include:
Simrit Refugee Sponsorship

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