An Opportunity to Double your Donation to Haiti Scholarships

For more than 30 years, St. Clement’s has provided funds to cover scholarships for students at the Ecole Saint-Barthelemy in Terrier Rouge, Haiti, a school run by Father Bruno, an Episcopalian priest who has visited St. Clement’s several times. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. We usually send a minimum of $23,600 per year, sufficient to provide 50 scholarships. This year a generous parishioner has offered to match designated donations made for these scholarships to a maximum of $10,000. This matching donation will double parishioners’ dedicated donations and enable us to support additional student scholarships. This school is one of the few educational centres that has continued to function despite many hardships including hurricanes, civil unrest, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Your contribution to the Haiti Student Scholarships gives hope to the children through education and helps Haitians to rebuild their own country.
Click here for the full Lenten brochure.