Children's Ministry
Starting Sun, Sept 11, Children’s Ministry (JK-Gr. 5) will run in-person during BOTH our 9:30 AND 11am services. We'll welcome kids to Canon Nicholson Hall (aka, the gym) at the start of services, and children will be led back to their families to share in the Eucharist with the full community. We're in touch with our trained and screened volunteer corps and are super excited to offer kid-centric worship, learning, and community in a joyful environment.
For our youngest members (younger than JK) we will continue to have our designated Kids' Zone at the front of the Sanctuary, where kids can move around and enjoy a comfortable space during our services. We're also actively searching for a Nursery Minister to oversee our formal Nursery space, which has been edited and is being professionally cleaned and sanitized for Sept 11.
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry (Gr. 6-12) will continue to run during its popular between-the-services slot (10:20-10:50 am) in the Youth Room.
I'm also excited to announce that youth will be full participants in the main service in the sanctuary during BOTH the 9:30 AND 11 am services. We see this as a beautiful opportunity for junior and senior youth to worship with the wider community, listen to the sermon, and learn the songs of our faith. Some youth may choose to sit with their parents or guardians, while others may want to sit together. Still others may choose a more active role as a reader or intercessor.
However you and your family choose to get connected, welcome home!
Finally, I am thrilled to announce that Mackenzie Wolf's responsibilities will be expanding into a full-time role: Pastoral Associate for Youth & Children.
Mackenzie has lots of experience working with children and youth, in our community and beyond, and is very excited to expand her role among us. She'll take on the key responsibilities for running both our Children's (JK - Gr. 5) and Youth (Gr. 6-12) ministries, including: Sunday mornings, mid-week Youth Group, volunteer and curriculum development, and special events and outreach initiatives.
Mackenzie has become a highly-respected and instrumental part of our pastoral team and wider community. I truly cannot think of a better person to be leading our youth and children into the future! Please join me in welcoming Mackenzie to her expanded role. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mackenzie or me personally. We are truly excited to be see your family on Sept 11 and beyond!
Yours truly in Christ,
Andrew (Rector)