As we move through the month of November we continue a time of remembering.
On Sunday, Oct. 31st during our morning worship services we began our time of remembering with the celebration of All Saints, a time to remember all the saints and martyrs, both known and unknown who died in the faith. We expanded this remembering during our Service of All Souls on Sunday, Nov. 7th at 4pm, with the remembrance of all those who have gone before us, both recently and long ago, through music, prayer and reflection.
This Sunday, Nov. 14th, we mark Remembrance Sunday during morning worship services and are blessed to have Claire Bramma as our preacher for the day as we remember those who have served this country in times of great challenge. Join us online for Church at Home at 9:30am or at 11am In-person or via live-stream.
With loss and remembrance having impacted us all in different ways through the pandemic, we continue to invite the St. Clement’s community and our neighbours into a public expression of remembrance. Through to Nov. 19th we are inviting people passing by or stopping to enjoy the St. Clement’s grounds to write the names of those they’ve lost in chalk on the stairs of our Duplex Street entrance -- a moment to pause and reflect on the shared human experience of loss and remembrance. This week we welcomed several students from St. Clements School who came and chatted with Pamela about what it means to remember and engage in the act of remembrance.
Let us enter into this month of remembering, trusting that in the Spirit, we are held together in hope even in times of loss and grief.
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