Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 10, our official Welcome Back Sunday.

Join us for a bouncy castle, Blessing of the Backpacks, and school supply drive. Kids, bring your backpacks to the service.
Grownups, bring your work bags. Blessings don’t have an age limit!
Back to School
In support of students in two of our neighbouring communities we have received specific requests for this year’s School Supply Drive.
Flemingdon Park Ministry in the Don Mills area is looking for large, sturdy 3 pocket backpacks, preferably black, similar to the Swiss Gear brand for High School students in their community. The Outreach Committee is intending to provide these backpacks to the children prior to the start of school. Donations of back packs or funds so that the Outreach Committee can purchase them should be dropped off to the church by August 21.
Flemington Public School in the Lawrence Heights neighbourhood is in need of art supplies for their students. These include large and regular sized crayons, markers, coloured pencils, pads of blank paper, coloured construction paper, playdough, plastic alphabet or number sets. On Blessing of the Backpack Sunday which will be on September 10 we will be collecting any donations of these supplies.
Monetary donations should include the note "Outreach Back to School Drive.” These can be put in the collection plate or dropped at the office or call Heather Goodall at 416-486-1292. Donations over $20 will be eligible for a tax receipt.
Thank you so much for helping to spread the love to the children in the surrounding neighbourhood.